This list of references is a cronological
collection of the most relevant papers published
by the ICARUS Collaboration.
It includes Proposals for Experiments, reports
on the technical R&D, results from prototype
tests and results from simulations.
C. Rubbia, "The Liquid-argon time projection chamber: a new concept for Neutrino Detector"
CERN-EP/77-08 (1977)
E. Aprile, K.L. Giboni and C. Rubbia,
"A study of ionization electrons drifting large distances in liquid and
solid argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A241, (1985), 62.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a proposal for the Gran Sasso Laboratory"
INFN/AE-85/7, Frascati (Italy, 1985)
J.N. Bahcall, M. Baldo-Ceolin, D.B. Cline
and C. Rubbia,
"Prediction for a Liquid Argon Solar Neutrino Detector"
Phys. Lett. 178B, (1986), 324
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon Imaging Chamber: A Novel Detector Technology",
Proceedings of the "The 13th International Conference on Neutrino Physics
and Astrophysics", (1988).
C. Rubbia,
"Direct electronic imaging of ionizing events in liquids",
Proceedings of the "Festi-Val - Festschrift for Val Telegdi", (Elsevier
Sc. Publ. - 1988), 213.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS I: an optimized, real time detector of solar neutrinos",
LNF-89/005 (R), (1989).
E. Buckley et al.,
"A study of ionization electrons drifting large distances in liquid argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A275, (1989), 364.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A study of the Electron Image due to ionizing events in a two-dimensional
liquid argon TPC with a 24 cm drift gap",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A286, (1990), 135.
G. Carugno, B. Dainese, F. Pietropaolo and
F. Ptohos,
"Electron Lifetime Detector for Liquid Argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A292, (1990), 580.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The Icarus Liquid Argon TPC: a New Detector for nu_tau Search"
Proceedings of the "II International Conference on Calorimetry in High
Energy Physics",
Capri (Italy,14-18 Oct. 1991), 278.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A Study of The Factors Affecting The Electron Life Time in Ultra-Pure Liquid
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A305, (1991), 177.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon TPC: An Electronic Bubble Chamber for Low Energy e+e-
Proceedings of the "DAFNE PHI-Factory Workshop", Frascati (Italy,
9-12 Apr.1991).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS liquid argon TPC: a complete imaging device for particle physics",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 315, (1992), 223.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: Status & Program"
Proceedings of the "IV International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes",
Venezia (Italy, 10-13 Mar. 1992), 279.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of Energy Deposition Down to the keV Region Using Liquid Xenon
Proceedings of the "ICRLD - International Conference on Liquid Radiation
Detectors", Tokio (Japan, 7-10 Apr.1992), 109.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Research & Development Program and Results"
Proceedings of the "ICRLD - International Conference on Liquid Radiation
Detectors", Tokio (Japan, 7-10 Apr.1992), 118.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber: a Complete Imaging Detector"
Proceedings of the "International Symposium on Optical Applied Science
and Engineering - Gamma-Ray Detectors",
San Diego (California - USA, 21-22 Jul.1992), 58.
F. Cavanna et al.,
"Search for Ar42 with a Germanium detector at Gran Sasso Laboratory",
LNGS - 92/27, (1992).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS experiment: Status and Progress",
Proceedings of the "High Energy Physics Conference", Dallas (Texas
- USA, 1992).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS R&D program and results",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 327, (1993), 173.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A Simple and Effective Purifier for Liquid Xenon"
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A329, (1993), 567.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of energy deposition down to the keV region using liquid xenon
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 327 (1993), 203.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status and progress",
Proceedings of the "XXVIIIth Rencontre de Moriond", Villars sur Ollon
(France, 1993), 135.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS liquid argon TPC: performance and applications",
Proceedings of the "2nd International Conference on Calorimetryin High
Energy Physics", Capri (Italy, 1991).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A three-ton liquid argon time projection chamber",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 332, (1993), 395.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Argon purification in the liquid phase",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 333, (1993), 567.
F. Cavanna,
"Prospects of Atmospheric Neutrino Study with the ICARUS Detector"
Proceedings of the "XXIII International Cosmic Ray Conference", Calgary
(Canada, 1993), Vol. 4, 491.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a novel detector for proton decay and neutrino searches at the
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and
Underground Physics Workshop"
Gran Sasso (Italy, 1993), Nucl. Phys. B35 (Proc. Suppl.), (1994), 276.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a Neutrino Observatory at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and
Underground Physics Workshop",
Gran Sasso (Italy, 1993), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), (1994), 280.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS II. A second-generation proton decay experiment and neutrino observatory
at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Proposal by the ICARUS Collaboration, LNGS - 94/99, Vol.I (1993) and Vol.II
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status Report",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1993", LNGS - 94/98,
(1994), 87.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Study of electron-ion recombination in liquid argon",
Universita` di Pavia, FNT/AE - 94/01, (1994).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Performance of a three-ton liquid argon time projection chamber",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 345, (1994), 230.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a second generation proton decay and neutrino detector at the LNGS",
Proceedings of the "3rd International Conference on Calorimetry in High
Energy Physics",
BNL (New York - USA, 1994).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A 3-D image chamber for the liquid argon TPC based on multi-layer printed
circuit board",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 346, (1994), 550.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Improving the performance of the liquid argon TPC by doping with tetra-methyl-germanium",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 355 , (1995), 660.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status Report",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1994", LNGS - 95/07,
(1995), 125.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"TPC signal processing using artificial neural networks",
Proceedings of the "ICANN: International Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks", Paris (France, 1995).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A neural network approach for the TPC signal processing",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 356, (1995), 507.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"On atmospheric Ar39 And Ar42 Abundance",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 356, (1995), 526.
F. Cavanna,
"The CERN to Gran Sasso Long Baseline Neutrino Beam Project",
Proceedings of the "9-emes Rencontres de Physique de la Valle'E d'Aoste" LaThuile
(Italy, 1995),
and CERN-PPE/95-133 (1995).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"A first 600 ton ICARUS detector installed at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Addendum to Proposal by the ICARUS Collaboration, LNGS - 95/10, (1995).
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Experiment",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1995", LNGS - INFN/AE-96/27,
(1996), 131.
F. Cavanna,
"ICARUS: a first 600 ton module at Gran Sasso Laboratory"
Proceedings of the "1st International Four Seas Conference", SISSA
Trieste (Italy, 1995),
CERN-Report/97-06, (1997) and LNGS - 95/59, (1995)
F. Cavanna,
"L'esperimento ICARUS",
Volume "Italia al CERN" Ed. Menzinger, Rappresentanza Italiana -
Ginevra, (Svizzera, 1996), 423.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Status Report on the ICARUS Experiment",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1996", (1996), 81.
F. Pietropaolo,
" The ICARUS experiment: a status report",
Proceedings of the "11th Lake Louise Winter Institute", Singapore,
(World Scientific, 1997), 495.
C. Carpanese et al.,
"ARIANNA: the ICARUS Experiment Readout Module", Proceeding of the
Xth IEEE Real Time Conference,
Beaune (France, 22-26 September 1997), 299.
J.P. Revol et al.,
" A Search Programme for Explicit Neutrino Oscillations at Long and Medium
Baselines with the
ICARUS detector", ICARUS-TM-97/10, (1997).
R. Dolfini et al.,
"Study of Solar Neutrino detection in the 600 ton Liquid Argon ICARUS TPC",
LNGS - INFN/AE-97/49, (1997)
F. Pietropaolo,
"The ICARUS Neutrino Oscillation Programme",
Proceedings of the "Workshop on Fixed Target Physics at the Main Injector",
Fermilab (USA, 1997), Fermilab-Conf-97/279.
F. Arneodo et al.,
"Underground Neutron Spectrometry with a Liquid Scintillator Detector",
LNGS - INFN/AE-97/52, (1997)
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1997", (1997), 81.
C. Carpanese et al.,
"DAEDALUS: a hardware signal analyser for ICARUS", Proceeding of the
7th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors,
La Biodola, Elba (Italy, 25-31 May 1997), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409, (1998),
C. Carpanese et al.,
"ARIANNA: the ICARUS Experiment Readout Module", IEEE Transactions
on Nuclear Science, Vol. 45 no. 4 (1998).
S. Centro et al.,
"Low-Noise BiCMOS Front-End and Fast Analogue Multiplexer for Ionization
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409, (1998), 300.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Performance Evaluation of a Hit Finding Algorithm for the ICARUS Detector",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 412, 2-3 (1998), 440.
A. Rubbia,
"Status Report on the ICARUS experiment",
Proceedings of the "WIN97: XVI Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos",
Capri (Italy, June 1997),
Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 66, (1998), 436.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Calibration of BC501A Liquid scintillator Cells with Monochromatic Neutron
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 418, 2-3 (1998), 285.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS-Like Technology for Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations",
CERN/SPSC 98-33, (1998).
G. Acquistapace et al.,
"The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS); conceptual and technical design",
CERN-98-02 and INFN-AE-98-05, (1998).
ICARUS Collaboration,
" ICARUS: a status report",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and
Underground Physics Workshop"
Gran Sasso (Italy, 1997), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 70,, 1-3 (1999), 453.
F. Arneodo,
" Solar neutrinos detection with the Icarus experiment and the neutron background
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and
Underground Physics Workshop" Gran Sasso
(Italy, 1997), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 70,, 1-3 (1999), 458.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS 50 l LAr TPC in the CERN neutrino Beam",
Proceedings of the "36th Workshop on New Detectors" Erice (Italy,
1997), World Scientific (1999), 3
HEP-EX/9812006, 3 Dec 1998
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1998", (1998), 85.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of scintillation light in coincidence with ionizing tracks in
a LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 432, (1999), 240.
F. Arneodo et al.,
"Neutron background measurements in the ICARUS area at the underground Gran
Sasso Laboratory",
Nuovo Cimento, A8 (1999), 819.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Proton Decay and the CERN-GranSasso Long Baseline Experiment",
Proceedings of the "International Symposium on Lepton and Baryon Numebr
Violation" Trento (Italy, Apr. 1998),
Institute of Physics Publishing (1999), 321
ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: a proposal for a CERN-GS long baseline and atmospheric neutrino
oscillation experiment",
INFN/AE-99-17, CERN/SPSC 99-25, CERN/SPSC/P314, September 1999.
ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: preliminary technical design",
LNGS-P21/99-Add1, CERN/SPSC 99-39, CERN/SPSC/P314-Add1, November 1999.
ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: answers to questions and remarks concerning the ICANOE Project",
LNGS-P21/99-Add2, CERN/SPSC 99-40, CERN/SPSC/P314-Add2, November 1999.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1999", (June 2000), 87
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS 600 ton: a status report",
Proceedings of the "6th topical seminar on neutrino and astroparticle
physics" S. Miniato (Italy, May 1999),
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 85 (2000), 119.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"First observation of 140cm drift ionizing tracks in the ICARUS LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 36
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detrmination of through-going tracks' direction by means of delta-rays
with the ICARUS LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 42
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Scintillation Efficiency of nuclear recoil in Liquid Xenon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 147
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Study of Solar Neutrinos with the 600 ton liquid argon ICARUS detector",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 455 (2000), 378
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Operation of a 10m3 ICARUS Detector Module",
Proceedings of the "Frontiers Detectors for Frontier Physics" Conference d'Elba (Italy, May 2000),
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A461 (2000), 286
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber",
Proceedings of the "Imaging 2000" Conference Stockholm (Sweden, July
2000), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A471 (2001), 272
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 2000", (June 2001), 89
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS T600 Experiment",
Proceedings of the "NOON2000" Conference Tokyo (Japan, December 2000),
Proc. of the Conference Ed. World Scientific (2001), 122
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: a second-generation Proton decay experiment and
Neutrino Observatory at Gran Sasso Observatory -
Initial Physics Program",
LNGS-P28/2001 and LNGS-EXP 13/89 add.1/01 (March, 2001). (Also available as
ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS T600 and the Solar Neutrino Experiment",
Proceedings of the "NO-VE International Workshop" Venice (Italy,
July 2001),
Proc. of the Conference Ed. Papergraf (M. Baldo-Ceolin) (2001), 91
ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: a second-generation Proton decay experiment and
Neutrino Observatory at
Gran Sasso Observatory - Cloning of T600 Modules to reach the design sensitive
LNGS-EXP 13/89 add.2/01 (November, 2001). (Also available as ICARUS-TM/2001-09)