Experiment Description
Napoli group activities
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Napoli group activities
Napoli group activities
Napoli group is involved in different activities on the experiment:
Installation and commissioning of the T600 module at the Gran Sasso Laboratory
Prototype detector to study laser monitoring of the LAr purity
Study of the global trigger of the experiment
Technical documentation of the first level board LTCU
Brief Description of the trigger system (Jan 2004)
Laurea thesis "Progettazione e realizzazione scheda primo livello" by M.Della Pietra (May 2004) (.pdf in italian)
ICARUS TRIGGER (ICARUS-TM/2004-13, September 2004)
The trigger system of the ICARUS experiment (IEEE Real Time Conference 2005)
Web Master:
A. Di Cicco
F. Falcolini