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ICANOE proposal, INFN/AE 99-17 (1999), CERN/SPSC 99-25, SPSC/P314.

Icarus proposta

G. Barbarino et al., Nucl.Phys. B70(1999),p 223

G. Barbarino et al., " NO EAtmospheric and long baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment" INFN/AE-96/11 (1996).

M.Ambrosio et al., NIMA363(1995),p 604

G. Barbarino et al., "The NO Edetector for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment" INFN/AE-98/09 (1998).

C. Caso et al., Review of Particle Physics The European Physical Journal C3 (1998) 1

H. Abramowicz et al., NIM 180(1981) 429

G.De Cataldo, M.N.Mazziotta NO EInternal Note 14/99 (1999)

Table 1: Main features of the iron ore (hematite).
$\%Fe$ Xo $\lambda_I$ $< \rho >$ $< Z >$ $E_c$
(Weight) cm cm g/cm$^3$   MeV
70 5.6 44.5 3.0 15.2 37.

Table 2: Main characteristics of the calorimeter prototype.
  Active planes Passive planes External frame Total
Bar dimensions(mm) 51 $\times$ 142 $\times$ 1390 50 $\times$ 1150 $\times$ 1390 142 $\times$ 142 $\times$ 1390  
Box type Iron Iron Aluminium  
Box thickness (mm) 3 5 3  
Number of planes 12 12 1 25
Thickness $X_0$ / $\lambda_I$ 1.14/0.14 1.37/0.16 2.45/0.3 32.6/3.9
Number of bars 36 36 21(5+8+8)  
PM per bar 3 - 1 129
PM type Hamamatsu R4125 - Hamamatsu R5686  
N. of fibers        
per bars(channel) 99(33) - 330 10494
Bar weight (Kg) 35 40 66 4086

Figure 1: The TRD and the calorimeter in the CERN PS T7 area.

Figure 2:

Figure 3: T

Figure 4: test beam setup
\epsfig {figure=tbfig/testtrig.eps,width=15...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 5: The event display of a 3 Gev electron.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,angle=-90,...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 6: The event display of a 3 Gev pion.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,angle=-90,w...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 7: The muon detection efficiency.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm,
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 8: electrons
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm,
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 9: pions
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm,
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 10: Visible energy for electrons (circles) and pions (squares) The low value of the ADC count for the last point of the electron curve is due to saturation of the readout electronics.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm,
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 11: The longitudinal profile of an electron initiated shower.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,
width=10cm,bb=27 180 566 655,clip}}
\end{center} \vskip 1cm

Figure 12: The electromagnetic and hadronic energy resolution (real data).
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm,...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 13: The electromagnetic and hadronic energy resolution (simulated data).
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 14: The ADC counts distribution before and after corrections (in the text) for 3 GeV pion events.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 15: .

Figure 16: The hadronic energy resolution curve after ADC data corrections.
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 17: The $E_{t}^{rec}$ distribution for a 2 GeV $\pi $ .
\psfig {figure=tbfig/,width=10cm...
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

Figure 18: Distribution of the time difference between two calorimetric bars.
\end{center} \vskip 2cm

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