First NOE prototype tests
Intesive tests of all the hardware detector components are under way.
All the informations concerning the prototype telescope built in the Naples
INFN laboratory and the results of its calibration with cosmic rays are
available in Chapter
4 of the Letter
of intent presented to the Scientific Committee of Gran Sasso Laboratory.
In the following some pictures relative to the new prototype construction,
detector details and final detector configuration are shown.
Prototype Construction
Fiber collection and optical coupling:
The first Calorimeter prototype
in Naples:
The second Calorimeter prototype
At the moment the prototype is in data taking at the Gran Sasso laboratory,
some reconstructed cosmic ray tracks are available on display: Pict1,
A test beam exposure has been funded by INFN and
is scheduled by the end of 1998. Beam
Both TRD and Calorimeter prototypes will be tested
to check their stand alone and combined performances.
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