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  1. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Neutral current coupling constant from neutrino- and antineutrino-electron scattering,
    Phys. Lett. B281 (1992) 159-166.
  2. CHARM II COLLABORATION, D. Geiregat et al.
    Calibration and performance of the CHARM II detector,
    Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A325 (1993) 92-108.
  3. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Measurement of differential cross sections for muon-neutrino electron scattering,
    Phys. Lett. B302 (1993) 351-355.
  4. CHARM II COLLABORATION, M. Gruwé et al.
    Search for oscillation,
    Phys. Lett. B309 (1993) 463-468.
  5. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Coherent single charged pion production by neutrinos,
    Phys. Lett. B313 (1993) 267-275.
  6. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Flavour Universality of Neutrino Couplings with the Z,
    Phys. Lett. B320 (1994) 203-205.
  7. S. Buontempo et al.
    Construction and test of calorimeter modules for the CHORUS experiment,
    Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A349 (1994) 70-80.
  8. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Constraints on additional Z bosons from neutrino electron scattering measurements,
    Phys. Lett. B332 (1994) 465-470.
  9. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Precision Measurement of Electroweak Parameters from the Scattering of Muon-Neutrinos on Electrons,
    Phys. Lett. B335 (1994) 246-252.
  10. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Search for muon to electron neutrino oscillations,
    Z. Phys. C64 (1994) 539-544.
  11. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Search for Heavy Isosinglet Neutrinos,
    Phys. Lett. B343 (1995) 453-458.
  12. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Experimental study of the electromagnetic properties of the muon neutrino in neutrino-electron scattering,
    Phys. Lett. B345 (1995) 115-118.
  13. A. Artamonov et al.
    A liquid scintillator calorimeter for the forward region of a LHC experiment,
    Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A362 (1995) 386-394.
  14. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    A precise measurement of the cross section of the inverse muon decay ,
    Phys. Lett. B364 (1995) 121-126.
  15. E. Di Capua et al.
    Response to electrons and pions of the calorimeter for the CHORUS experiment,
    Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A378 (1996) 221-232.
  16. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    The CHORUS experiment to search for oscillation,
    Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A401 (1997) 7-44.
  17. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    A Search for Oscillation,
    CERN-PPE/97-149 November 28, 1997.
  18. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Experimental search for muonic photons,
    CERN-EP/98-84, May 22, 1998.
  19. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    A Search for oscillation using the decay modes into a single charged particle,
    Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 205.
  20. CHORUS COLLABORATION, P. Annis et al.
    Observation of neutrino induced diffractive production and subsequent decay ,
    Phys. Lett. B435 (1998) 458.


  1. CHORUS COLLABORATION, M. de Jong et al.
    A new search for oscillation,
    CERN-PPE/93-131 July 20, 1993.
  2. R. van Dantzig et al.
    High resolution tracking devices based on capillaries filled with liquid scintillator,
    CERN/LHCC 95-7, P60/LDRB, February 27, 1994.
  3. A. S. Ayan et al.
    A high sensitivity short baseline experiment to search for oscillation,
    CERN-SPSC/97-5, SPSC/I 213, March 14, 1997.
  4. H. Shibuya et al.
    The OPERA emulsion detector for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment,
    LNGS-LOI 8/97, SPSC/I 218.
  5. K. Kodama et al.
    The OPERA appearance experiment in the CERN-Gran Sasso neutrino beam,
    LNGS-LOI 8/97-Add. 1, CERN-SPSC 98-25, SPSC/M612, October 9, 1998.

Conference contributions

  1. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Measurement of electroweak parameters from scattering,
    presented by A. G. Cocco at the ``XXVII Rencontre de Moriond'', Les Arcs (France), March 15-22 1992.
    Published in ```92 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories'' edited by J. Trân Thanh Vân (1993) 81-87.
  2. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Electroweak paramenters from neutrino-electron scattering,
    presented by F. Marchetti-Stasi at the ``4th S. Miniato Topical Seminar on The Standard Model and just bejond'', S. Miniato (Italy), June 1-5 1992.
    Proceedings edited by F. Navarria and P. G. Pelfer, World Scientific (1993).
  3. CHARM II COLLABORATION, B. Akkus et al.
    Neutral current coupling constant from neutrino-electron scattering,
    presented by J. Panman at the ``XV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics'', Granada (Spain), June 1992.
    Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 31 (1993) 287-292.
  4. CHARM II COLLABORATION, B. Akkus et al.
    New results on inverse muon decay and low multiplicity reactions,
    presented by A. Rozanov at the ``XV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics'', Granada (Spain), June 1992.
    Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 31 (1993) 293-300.
  5. S. Buontempo et al.
    The high resolution calorimeter of the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by S. Buontempo at the ``3rd International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics'', Como (Italy), June 22-26 1992.
    Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 32 (1993) 70-76.
  6. CHARM II COLLABORATION, B. Akkus et al.
    Neutral current coupling constants from neutrino- and antineutrino-electron scattering,
    presented by A. Staude at the ``XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Dallas (USA), August 6-12 1992.
    Published in AIP Conference Proceedings N 272 Vol. 1 (1993) 727-731.
  7. S. Buontempo et al.
    Design and test performance of the high resolution CHORUS calorimeter,
    presented by A. Ereditato at the ``3rd International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics'', Chorpus Christi (Texas), September 29-October 2, 1992.
    Proceedings edited by P. Hale and J. Siegrist, World Scientific (1993).
  8. CHARM II COLLABORATION, R. Beyer et al.
    Tests of the Standard Model with CHARM II,
    presented by A. Rozanov at the ``VII Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste'', La Thuile (Italy), March 1993.
    Proceedings edited by M. Greco, Ed. Frontières (1994).
  9. S. Buontempo et al.
    Construction and test of modules of the CHORUS calorimeter,
    presented by G. Fiorillo at the ``5th S. Miniato Topical Seminar on Experimental Apparatus for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics'', S. Miniato (Italy), April 26-30 1993.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A344 (1994) 85-91.
  10. CHARM II COLLABORATION, R. Beyer et al.
    Neutrino Electron Scattering results from CHARM II,
    presented by R. Beyer at the ``International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics'', Marseille (France), July 22-28 1993.
    Proceedings edited by J. Carr and M. Perrottet, Ed. Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette.
  11. S. Buontempo et al.
    A High Resolution Sampling Calorimeter for the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by B. Saitta at the ``4th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics'', La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), September 19-25 1993.
    Proceedings edited by A. Menzione and A. Scribano, World Scientific (1994).
  12. E. Di Capua et al.
    The lead/scintillating fiber and strip calorimeter of the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by A. Ereditato at ``SCIFI `93'', Notre Dame (Indiana), October 24-28 1993.
    Published in the Proceedings.
  13. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Tests of the Standard Model from scattering,
    presented by A. G. Cocco at the ``XXIX Rencontre de Moriond'', Meribel (France), March 12-19 1994.
    Published in the Proceedings.
  14. A. Artamonov et al.
    Liquid scintillator calorimetry for the LHC,
    presented by S. Buontempo at the ``6th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors'', La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), May 22-28 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A360 (1995).
  15. S. Buontempo et al.
    The Chorus Calorimeter: Test Results,
    presented by G. Fiorillo at the ``6th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors'', La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), May 22-28 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A360 (1995) 197-200.
  16. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Status report on CHORUS experiment at CERN,
    presented by R. Ferreira at the ``6th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors'', La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), May 22-28 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A360 (1995) 254-257.
  17. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Design and Performance of the CHORUS detector,
    presented by T. Patzak at the ``XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Glasgow (Scotland), July 20-27 1994.
    Proceedings edited by P. J. Bussey, I. G. Knowles, Bristol Institute of Physics, 1995.
  18. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Testrun results and present status of the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by M. de Jong at the ``XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Glasgow (Scotland), July 20-27 1994.
    Proceedings edited by P. J. Bussey, I. G. Knowles, Bristol Institute of Physics, 1995.
  19. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Flavour Universality of Neutrino Couplings with the Z,
    presented by A. G. Cocco at the ``XVII International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Glasgow (Scotland), July 20-27 1994.
    Proceedings edited by P. J. Bussey, I. G. Knowles, Bristol Institute of Physics, 1995.
  20. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Limits on additional Z bosons from high precision measurements of purely leptonic neutrino scattering,
    presented by A. Capone at the ``XVII International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Glasgow (Scotland), July 20-27 1994.
    Proceedings edited by P. J. Bussey, I. G. Knowles, Bristol Institute of Physics, 1995.
  21. A. Artamonov et al.
    Test beam results from a very forward liquid scintillator calorimeter for the LHC,
    presented by F. Garufi at the ``5th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics'', Brookhaven (USA), September 1994.
    Proceedings edited by H. A. Gordon and D. Rueger. World Scientific (1995).
  22. S. Buontempo et al.
    The response of the CHORUS calorimeter to and e induced showers,
    presented by A. Capone at the ``5th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics'', Brookhaven (USA), September 1994.
    Proceedings edited by H. A. Gordon and D. Rueger. World Scientific (1995).
  23. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    CHORUS: a status report,
    presented by G. Rosa at the ``Third Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics´', Montreux (Switzerland), September 19-22 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B (Proc. Suppl.) 40 (1995) 85-92.
  24. S. Buontempo et al.
    Calibration and performance of the CHORUS calorimeter,
    presented by S. Ricciardi at the ``4th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics'', Como (Italy), October 3-7 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 44 (1995) 45-50.
  25. A. Artamonov et al.
    A very forward calorimeter for the LHC: experimental results,
    presented by S. Buontempo at the ``4th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics'', Como (Italy), October 3-7 1994.
    Published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 44 (1995) 40-44.
  26. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    CHORUS status report,
    presented by P. Zucchelli at the ``Rencontres de Moriond'', March 1995.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  27. CHORUS COLLABORATION, J. Konijn et al.
    A new search for oscillation,
    presented by E. Arik at the ``4 Seas Conference'', Trieste, June 1995.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  28. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    A precise measurement of the cross section of the inverse muon decay ,
    presented by G. Fiorillo at the ``International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics'', Brussels (Belgium), July 27 - August 2 1995.
    Published in the proceedings.
  29. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    The CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment at CERN,
    presented by G. Wilquet at the ``International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics'', Brussels, August 1995.
    Published in the proceedings.
  30. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Performance of the CHORUS detector for oscillation,
    presented by M. Zeyrek at the ``International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics'', Brussels, August 1995.
    Published in the proceedings.
  31. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    The CHORUS experiment,
    presented by D. Macina at the ``Fourth International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics´', Toledo (Spain), September 17-21 1995.
    Published in Nucl. Instr. & Meth. B (Proc. Suppl.) 48 (1996) 183-187.
  32. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    CHORUS a oscillation appearance experiment,
    presented by O. Sato at the ``International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos'', Talloires, September 1995.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  33. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    The CHORUS experiment,
    presented by U. Dore at the ``2nd Rencontres du Vietnam'', October 1995.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  34. CHARM II COLLABORATION, P. Vilain et al.
    Neutrino-lepton scattering in the CHARM II experiment,
    presented by F. Marchetti-Stasi at the ``3rd Tallin Symposium on Neutrino Physics´, Lohusalu (Estonia), October 1995.
    Proceedings edited by I. Ots, J. L hmus, P. Helde, L. Palgi. Tartu 1995.
  35. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    neutrino oscillation search with CHORUS at CERN: a status report,
    presented by G. Brooijmans at the ``Lake Louise Winter Institute'', Albert, February 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  36. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    A status report of CHORUS experiment,
    presented by K. Kodama at the ``2nd UCLA Conference on Sources and Detection of Dark Matter in the Universe'', S. Monica, February 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  37. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Status of the search for oscillation with the CHORUS detector,
    presented by D. Saltzberg at the ``2nd Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes'', Venice, February 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  38. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    The status of the CHORUS oscillation experiment,
    presented by M.G. Catanesi at the ``Rencontres de Moriond'', Méribel les Allues, France, 16-23, March 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  39. E. Di Capua et al.
    Performance of the CHORUS lead/scintillating fiber calorimeter,
    presented by F. Marchetti-Stasi at the ``6th S. Miniato Topical Seminar on Experimental Apparatus for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics'', S. Miniato (Italy), May 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  40. P. Annis et al.
    Capillary detectors for high resolution tracking,
    presented by F. Garufi at the ``6th S. Miniato Topical Seminar on Experimental Apparatus for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics'', S. Miniato (Italy), May 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  41. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Arik et al.
    Status of the search for oscillation with the CHORUS detector,
    presented by K. Niwa at the ``17th International Conference on Neutrino Physics & Astrophysics'', Helsinki, June 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  42. P. Annis et al.
    A new vertex detector made of glass capillaries,
    presented by K. Hoepfner at the ``5th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors´', Chia, Cagliari (Italy), June 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  43. S. Buontempo et al.
    The CHORUS calorimeter: test beam results and operation with neutrino beams,
    presented by P. Migliozzi at the ``VI International Conference on Calorimetry in High-Energy Physics'', Frascati (Roma), 8-14 june 1996
    Proceedings edited by A. Antonelli, S. Bianco, A. Calcaterra, F.L. Fabbri, Frascati Physics Series, Frascati (Italy), 1996.
  44. E. Eskut et al.
    The CHORUS neutrino oscillation search experiment,
    presented by C. Weinheimer at the ``28th International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Warsaw, July 1996.
    CERN-PPE/96-196, December 13, 1996.
  45. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    The CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment and the prospects for tau-neutrino mass,
    presented by D. Frekers at the ``Workshop on the identification of dark matter'', Sheffield, 8-11 August, 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  46. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    Search for oscillation in the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by G. Gregoire at the ``Tau-Lepton Physics Workshop'', Estes Park (Colorado), 16-19 August, 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  47. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    A search for oscillation with CHORUS at CERN,
    presented by H. Shibuya at the ``The 4th Topical Conference on Flavour Physics'', Tsukuba, 29-31 October, 1996.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  48. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    The status of the CHORUS oscillation experiment,
    presented by M. Van Der Donckt at the ``Rencontres de Moriond'', Méribel les Allues, France, 16-23, March 1997.
    To be published in the proceedings.
    Results of the CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment,
    presented by P. Migliozzi at the ``XI Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste'', La Thuile (Aosta), 3-8 March 1997
    To be publishedin the proceedings.
  50. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    Results from the CHORUS oscillation experiment,
    presented by A. Artamonov at the ``XVI International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos'', Capri, Italy, 22-28, June 1997.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  51. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    Results on oscillations from the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by P. Migliozzi at the ``XVIII International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions'', Hamburg, Germany, July 28 - August 1, 1997.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  52. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    oscillation search with the CHORUS experiment,
    presented by L. Ludovici at the ``EPS HEP97'', Jerusalem, Israel, 19-26, September 1997.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  53. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    Status of the CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment,
    presented by E. Pesen at the ``TAUP 97'', Gran Sasso, Italy, 7-11, September 1997.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  54. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    CHORUS results,
    presented by O. Sato at the ``XVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics'', Takayama, Japan, June 4-9, 1998.
    To be published in the proceedings.
  55. CHORUS COLLABORATION, E. Eskut et al.
    New results from the CHORUS neutrino oscillation experiment,
    presented by P. Migliozzi at the ``XXIX International Conference on High Energy Physics'', Vancouver, Canada, July 23-29, 1998.
    To be published in the proceedings.
    Recent results from neutrino oscillation experiments at CERN,
    presented by G. Fiorillo at the ``Second Meeting on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics'', Faro, Portugal, September 3-5, 1998.
    To be published in the proceedings.

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Thu Oct 15 10:18:27 MET DST 1998