| Webify sample template - 3/22/95 Steve Ward | Revised for Webify 2.11 - 1/27/96 Steve Ward | Used to webify the sample presentation which comes with webify. | Note that comments begin with | and extend to the end-of-line; | by default, text outside of comments will appear in the currently | open (being written) html file. | We may use the {quietly ...} escape sequence to suppress this: | {quietly | Causes top-level text to be discarded, | but interprets enclosed {...} sequences. | Set some parameters: most of these may be alternatively | specified as command line options. {crop-left 0.5} | Crop whitespace off of page boundaries. {crop-right 0.5} {crop-top 0.5} {crop-bot 0.5} | {rotate 1} | Uncomment to force Horizontal (Landscape) | (Equivalent to -r 1 command line option) | If this yields upside-down, try 3 } | closes {quietly ...} | Here's the skeletal HTML file for the presentation:
By clicking on any of the thumbnail page images below, you can peruse the slides.
Use the complete set (postscript file of {postscript-size}) to print it or store it at your computer.
CLICK HERE to download the original Power Point presentation.
{for-each-page | Iterate, thru pages in .ps file: {write-page-file | Generate a per-page .html file, containing
This presentation has been prepared with webslider.
Today is {date}. Feedback to Giuliana Fiorillo.