Muon detection in the L3 experiment at LEP
L3 muon group - B. Adeva et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A277 (1989) 187
A Determination of the Properties of the Neutral Intermediate Vector Boson Z0
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 231 (1989) 509.
Mass Limits for Scalar Muons, Scalar Electrons, and Winos from e+e- Collisions near sqrt(s) = 91 GeV
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 233 (1989) 530.
Measurements of g_A and g_V, the Neutral Current Coupling Constants to Leptons
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 236 (1990) 109.
Measurement of Z0 Decays to Hadrons, and a Precise Determination of the Number of Neutrino Species
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 237 (1990) 136.
The construction of the L3 experiment
The L3 Collaboration - B. Adeva et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A289 (1990) 35
Test results of the L3 precision muon detector
L3 muon group - B. Adeva et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A289 (1990) 335
Study of q- inclined tracks in L3 muon chambers
L3 muon group - B. Adeva et al.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A290 (1990) 115
A Measurement of the Z0 Leptonic Partial Widths and the Vector and Axial Vector Coupling Constants
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 238 (1990) 122.
Measurement of Z0 --> b-bbar Decay Properties
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 241 (1990) 416.
Mass Limits for Excited Electrons and Muons from Z Decay
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 247 (1990) 177.
A Determination of Electroweak Parameters from Z0 --> mu+mu- (gamma)
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 247 (1990) 473.
Search for Neutral Higgs Boson in Z0 Decay
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 248 (1990) 203.
A Test of QCD based on 4-Jet Events from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 248 (1990) 227.
Determination of alpha_s from Jet Multiplicities Measured on the Z Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 248 (1990) 464.
A Precision Measurement of the Number of Neutrino Species
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 249 (1990) 341.
A Determination of Electroweak Parameters from Z0 Decays into Charged Leptons
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 250 (1990) 183.
Test of QED in e+e- --> gamma,gamma at LEP
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 250 (1990) 199.
Search for Excited Taus from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 250 (1990) 205.
Search for the Neutral Higgs Bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 251 (1990) 311.
A Search for Heavy Charged and Neutral Leptons from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 251 (1990) 321.
Search for the Charged Higgs Boson in Z0 Decay
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 511.
Search for a Low Mass Neutral Higgs Boson in Z0 Decay
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 518.
Search for Excited Neutrinos from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 525.
A Measurement of B0-B0bar Mixing in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 703.
A Measurement of the Z0 --> b-bbar Forward-Backward Asymmetry
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 713.
Search for the Neutral Higgs Boson
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 257 (1991) 450.
Determination of alpha_s from Energy-Energy Correlations Measured on the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 257 (1991) 469.
Measurement of the Inclusive Production of Neutral Pions and Charged Particles on the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 259 (1991) 199.
Search for Leptoquarks in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 261 (1991) 169.
Measurement of Z0 --> b-bbar Decays and the Semileptonic Branching Ratio Br(b --> l+X)
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 261 (1991) 177.
Measurement of Electroweak Parameters from Hadronic and Leptonic Decays of the Z0
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Z. Phys. C 51 (1991) 179.
Search for Narrow High-Mass Resonances in Radiative Decays of the Z0
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 262 (1991) 155
A Test of QCD based on 3-Jet Events from Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 263 (1991) 551
Decay Properties of Tau Leptons Measured at the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 265 (1991) 451.
Measurement of the Lifetime of B-Hadrons and a Determination of |V_cb|
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 270 (1991) 111.
Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 271 (1991) 453.
Measurement of the Strong Coupling Constant alpha_s for Bottom Quarks at the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 271 (1991) 461.
A Direct Determination of the Number of Light Neutrino Families from e+e- --> nu nubar gamma at LEP
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 275 (1992) 209.
Electroweak Parameters of the Z Resonance and the Standard Model
The LEP Collaborations: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL,
Phys. Lett. B 276 (1992) 247.
Search for the Neutral Higgs Boson at LEP
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 283 (1992) 454.
Studies of Hadronic Event Structure and Comparisons with QCD Models at the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Z. Phys. C 55 (1992) 39.
Determination of alpha_s from Hadronic Event Shapes Measured on the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 284 (1992) 471.
Measurement of Inclusive eta Production in Hadronic Decays of the Z0
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 286 (1992) 403.
An Improved Measurement of B0-B0bar Mixing in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., B. Adeva et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 288 (1992) 395.
A Test of Quantum Electrodynamics in the Reaction e+e- --> gamma,gamma (gamma)
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 288 (1992) 404.
Inclusive J Production in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 288 (1992) 412.
Measurement of the e+e- --> b bbar and e+e- --> c cbar Forward-Backward Asymmetries at the Z0 Resonance
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 292 (1992) 454.
Determination of the number of light neutrino species
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 292 (1992) 463.
Isolated Hard Photon Emission in Hadronic Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 292 (1992) 472.
Searches for Non-Minimal Higgs Bosons in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 294 (1992) 457.
A Measurement of tau Polarization in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 294 (1992) 466.
High Mass Photon Pairs in l+l- gamma,gamma events at LEP
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 295 (1992) 337.
Search for Non-Minimal Higgs Bosons in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Z. Phys. C 57 (1993) 355.
Search for Isosinglet Neutral Heavy Leptons in Z0 Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 295 (1992) 371.
A high resolution muon detector
The Muon Group of the L3 collaboration,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A323 (1992) 109.
Search for Anomalous Production of Single-Photon Events in e+e- Annihilations at the Z Resonance
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 297 (1992) 469.
Determination of Quark Electroweak Couplings from Direct Photon Production in Hadronic Z Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 301 (1993) 136.
A Search for the Neutral Higgs Boson at LEP
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 303 (1993) 391.
Results from the L3 Experiment at LEP
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Rep. 236 (1993) 1.
Search for a Z' at the Z Resonance
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 306 (1993) 187.
Measurement of the Mass of the Z Boson and the Energy Calibration of LEP
Working Group on LEP Energy and the LEP Collaborations ALEPH, DELPHI,
L3 and OPAL, L. Arnaudon et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 307 (1993) 187.
Measurement of Gamma_bb/Gamma_had from Hadronic Deacys of the Z
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 307 (1993) 237.
Determination of the Effective Electroweak Mixing Angle from Z Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 309 (1993) 451.
Search for Narrow Vector Resonances in the Z Mass Range
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 313 (1993) 326.
An S Matrix Analysis of the Z Resonance
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 315 (1993) 494.
Search for Lepton Flavour Violation in Z Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 316 (1993) 427
chi_c Production in Hadronic Z Decays
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 317 (1993) 467
Measurement of the Average Lifetime of b Hadrons
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 317 (1993) 474.
Inclusive Search for the Charmless Radiative Decay of the b-Quark (b --> s gamma) and the figures
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 317 (1993) 637.
Measurement of eta_c Production in Untagged Two-Photon Collisions at LEP
L3 Collab., O. Adriani et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 318 (1993) 575.
A Study of Four-Fermion Processes at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 321 (1994) 283.
Measurement of Cross Sections and Leptonic Forward-Backward Asymmetries at the Z Pole and Determination of Electroweak Parameters
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Z. Phys. C 62 (1994) 551-573
Measurement of Inclusive Production of Neutral Hadrons from Z Decays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 328 (1994) 223-233.
Measurement of the Inclusive b -> tau nu X Branching Ratio
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 332 (1994) 201-208.
Measurement B0-B0bar Mixing Parameter and the Z --> b bbar Forward-Backward Asymmetry
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 335 (1994) 542-553.
A measurement of tau polarization at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 341 (1994) 245.
Energy and Particle Flow in Three-Jet and Radiative Two-Jet Event from Hadronic Z Decays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 345 (1995) 74.
Measurement of Exclusive Branching Fractions of Hadronic One-Prong TauDecays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 345 (1995) 93.
B* Production in Z Decays at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 345 (1995) 589.
Search for Anomalous Z --> gamma,gamma,gamma Events at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 345 (1995) 609.
Measurement of Energetic Single-Photon Production at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 346 (1995) 190.
Search for Neutralinos in Z Decays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 350 (1995) 109.
Measurement of the Weak Charged Current Structure in Semileptonic b-Hadron Decays at the Z Peak
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 351 (1995) 375.
One-prong tau Decays with Neutral Kaons
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 352 (1995) 487.
Tests of QED at LEP Energies using e+e- --> gamma,gamma (gamma) and e+e- --> l+l- gamma,gamma
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 353 (1995) 136.
Evidence for gluon interference in hadronic Z decays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 353 (1995) 145.
Study of the K0SK0S Final State in Two-Photon Collisions
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 363 (1995) 118.
Search for Neutral Charmless B Decays at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 363 (1995) 127.
Search for the Decays B0d --> gamma,gamma and B0s --> gamma,gamma
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 363 (1995) 137.
Measurement of Hadron and Lepton-Pair Production at 130 GeV < root(s) < 140 GeV at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 370 (1996) 195-210.
Search for Excited Leptons in e+e- Annihilation at root(s)=130—140 GeV
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 370 (1996) 211-221.
Measurement of eta Production in Two and Three-Jet Events from Hadronic Z Decays at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 371 (1996) 126-136.
Study of the Structure of Hadronic Events and Determination of alpha(s) at root(s)=130 GeV and 136 GeV
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 371 (1996) 137-148.
Measurement of Muon Pair Production at 50 GeV < root(s) < 86 GeV at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 374 (1996) 331-340, 9 May 1996.
Combining Heavy Flavour Electroweak Measurements at LEP.
The LEP Experiments: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL,
Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A378 (1996) 101-115.
Search for Supersymmetric Particles at 130 GeV < root(s) < 140 GeV at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 377 (1996) 289-303, 13 June 1996.
Search for Unstable Sequential Neutral and Charged Heavy Leptons in e+e- Annihilation at root(s)=130 and 136 GeV
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 377 (1996) 304-312, 13 June 1996.
Measurement of the Michel Parameters and the average tau neutrino helicity from tau decays in e+e- --> tau+ tau-
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 377 (1996) 313-324, 13 June 1996.
Measurement of the Branching Ratios b --> e neutrino X, mu neutrino X, tau neutrino X and neutrino X
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Z. Phys. C71, 379-389 (1996)
Measurement of the B zero d Meson Oscillation Frequency.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 383 (1996) 487-498.
Observation of Multiple Hard Photon Final States at root(s)=130 – 140 GeV at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 384 (1996) 323-332.
Search For Neutral Higgs Boson Production Through the Process e+e- --> Z*Hzero
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 385 (1996) 454-470.
Search For New Particles In Hadronic Events With Isolated Photons.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 388 (1996) 409-418.
Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 389 (1996) 187-196.
Search for Neutral B Meson Decays to Two Charged Leptons
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 391 (1997) 474-480.
Search for Exclusive B Decays to J and eta or pi zero with the L3 Detector.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 391 (1997) 481-490.
Measurement of Inclusive Omega and Eta' Production in Hadronic Z Decays.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 393 (1997) 465-476.
Study of the Weak Charged Hadronic Current in b Decays.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 393 (1997) 477-486.
Measurement of D_s- --> tau- anti-neutrino_tau and a new limit for B- --> tau- anti-neutrino_tau.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 396 (1997) 327-337.
Pair-Production of W Bosons in e+e- Interactions at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 398 (1997) 223-238.
Search for Excited Leptons in e+e- Annihilation at sqrt(s)=161 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 401 (1997) 139-149.
Production of Single W Bosons at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 403 (1997) 168-176.
QCD Studies and Determination of alpha s in e+e- collisions at Sqrt(s) = 161 GeV and 172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 404 (1997) 390-402.
Production of e, mu and tau Pairs in Untagged Two-Photon Collisions at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 341-350.
Inclusive J, psi' and chi c Production in Hadronic Z Decays.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 351-360.
Measurement of Hadron and Lepton-Pair Production at 161 GeV < Sqrt(s) <172 GeV at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 361-376.
K0 and Lambda Production in Quark and Gluon Jets at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 389-401.
Measurement of W-Pair Cross Sections in e+e- Interactions at Sq root (s) = 172GeV and W-Decay Branching Fractions.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 407 (1997) 419-431.
Cross section of hadron production in gamma gamma collisions at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 408 (1997) 450-464.
Search for anomalous four-jet events in e+e- annihilation at Sq root (s) = 130-172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 411 (1997) 330-338.
Study of Hadronic Events and Measurements of alpha s between 30 and 91 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 411 (1997) 339-353.
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in e+ e- Interactions at 161GeV < sqrt(s) < 172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 411 (1997) 373-386.
Search for Heavy Neutral and Charged Leptons in e+ e- Annihilation at sqrt(s)=161 and sqrt(s)=172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 412 (1997) 189-200.
Search for new physics in.energetic single photon production in e+ e- annihilation at the Z resonance.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 412 (1997) 201-209.
Resonance Formation in the pi+ pi- pi zero Final State in Two-Photon Collisions.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 413 (1997) 147-158.
Hard-photon production at sqrt(s)= 161 GeV and 172 GeV at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 413 (1997) 159-166.
Upsilon Production in Z Decays.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 413 (1997) 167-175.
Measurements of Mass, Width and Gauge Couplings of the W Boson at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 413 (1997) 176-190.
Neutral-Current Four-Fermion Production in e+e- Interactions at 130 GeV < or = sqrt(s) < or = 172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 413 (1997) 191-200.
Search for R-Parity Breaking Sneutrino Exchange at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 414 (1997) 373-381.
Single and Multi-Photon Events with Missing Energy in e+ e- Collisions at 161 GeV < sqrt(s) < 172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 415 (1997) 299-310.
Measurement of the Average Lifetime of b-Hadrons in Z Decays.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 416 (1997) 220-232.
Missing mass spectra in hadronic events from e+e- collisions at sqrt(s) = 161-172 GeV and limits on invisible Higgs decays
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 418 vol 3-4 (April 1998) 389-398
Measurement of eta' (958) Formation in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP1.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 418 vol 3-4 (April 1998) 399-410
Search for Scalar Leptons, Charginos and Neutralinos in e+e- collisions at Sqrt(s) = 161 - 172 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
European Physical Journal C 4, 207-219 (1998)
Measurement of the B-zero d - B-bar zero d Oscillation Frequency
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
European Physical Journal C 5, 195-203 (1998), April 3, 1998 - MS No. 909.
Measurement of the Weak Dipole Moments of the Tau Lepton.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 426 (1998) 207-216.
Angular multiplicity fluctuations in hadronic Z decays and comparison to QCD models and analytical calculations.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 428 (1998) 186-196.
Local Multiplicity Fluctuations in Hadronic Z Decay.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 429 (1998) 375-386.
Measurement of Tau Polarisation at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 429 (1998) 387-398.
Determination of the Number of Light Neutrino Species from Single Photon Production at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 431 (1998) 199-208.
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in e+e- Interactions at sqrt(s)= 183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 431 (1998) 437-450.
Search for New Physics Phenomena in Fermion-Pair Production at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 433 (1998) 163-175.
Measurement of the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments of the tau lepton
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 434 (1998) 169-179.
Measurement of the Inclusive Charmless Semileptonic Branching Fraction of Beauty Hadrons and a Determination of |V{ub}| at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 174-186.
Study of Anomalous ZZgamma and Zgamma gamma Couplings at LEP
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 187-198.
Search for Neutral Higgs Bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in e+e- Interactions at sqrt(s)= 130-183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 389-402.
Study of the Hadronic Photon Structure Function F gamma 2 at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 403-416.
Production of Single W Bosons in e+e- Interactions at 130 GeV < or = sqrt(s) < or = 183 GeV and Limits on Anomalous WW gamma Couplings.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 417-427.
Test of CP Invariance in Z --> mu+mu- gamma decay.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 428-436.
Measurement of W-Pair Cross Sections in e+e- Interactions at root(s)= 183 GeV and W-Decay Branching Fractions.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 436 (1998) 437-452.
Photon Structure Functions and Azimuthal Correlations of Lepton Pairs in Tagged gamma gamma Collisions.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 438 (1998) 363-378.
Measurement of the Michel Parameters and the Average Tau-Neutrino Helicity from Tau Decays at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 438 (1998) 405-416.
Upper Limit on the Lifetime Difference of Short- and Long-Lived B0 s Mesons.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 438 (1998) 417-429.
Measurement of Radiative Bhabha and Quasi-Real Compton Scattering.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 439 (1998) 183-196.
Measurement of the Effective Weak Mixing Angle by Jet-Charge Asymmetry in Hadronic Decays of the Z Boson.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 439 (1998) 225-236.
Single and Multi-Photon Events with Missing Energy in e+e- Collisions at Sqrt(s) =183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 444 (1998) 503-515.
QCD Results from Studies of Hadronic Events produced in e+e- Annihilations at Sqrt(s) = 183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 444 (1998) 569-582.
Searches for Scalar Top and Scalar Bottom Quarks in e+e- Interactions at 161 GeV < or = to Sqrt(s) < or = to 183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 445 (1999) 428-438.
Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in e+e- Collisions at Centre-of-Mass Energies between 130 and 183 GeV.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 446(1999) 368-377.
The Q2 evolution of the Hadronic Photon Structure Function F gamma 2 at LEP.
L3 Collab., M. Acciarri et al.,
Phys. Lett. B 447 (1999) 147-156.
Measurement of the e+e- -> Z -> bbbar Forward-Backward Asymmetry and the B0B0bar Mixing Parameter Using Prompt Leptons.
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