(Napoli  contribution)

The Napoli group has given major contributions to:
     Readout System

     Online software

The requirements of KLOE represent a challenge fot the Data Acquisition System, since we have to
deal with data rates,  (~ 10**11 events/year),  considerably higher than those of typical collider experiments,
albeit a factor ten smaller than those foreseen at the LHC.

In contrast to hadron collider experiment, the large amount of data collected with KLOE are all of
physics interest, or necessary for detector calibration.

Moreover, since the major aim of KLOE is to perform CP violation studies at sensitivities of ~ 10**-4,
very stringent requirements are imposed on the DAQ system, to insure that no biases are introduced at
such levels.

The dead time is kept at low level and sis independent from event configuration: actually it is fixed to
2 x 10**-6 s  (corresponding to 2% at the peak luminosity 10**33 cm-2 s-1).

Error rates, especially dependent on event configurations, which would be quite acceptable in other
situations, are minimized and procedures for insuring data integrity are incorporated  in the system
design ab initio.
With bunch crossing  every 2.7 ns, the DAQ system has been designed to be asynchronous with respect
to collisions' times.


Some DAQ features:

9.5 Mbytes/s per chain has been measured. So, for a total of 10 chains, 90 Mbytes/s can be sustained.
 See  images:  DAQ  Overview         Level-2  and  Farm           Run control system