BaBar Technical Design Report
Cover and Contents
- 1 -
: Introduction
- 2 -
: Detector Overview
- 3 -
: Physics with BaBar
- 4 -
: Vertex Detector
- 5 -
: Drift Chamber
- 6 -
: Particle Identification
- 7 -
: Electromagnetic calorimeter
- 8 -
: Muon and Neutral Hadron Detector
- 9 -
: Magnet Coil and Flux Return
- 10 -
: Electronics
- 11 -
: Computing
- 12 -
: Interaction Region and Backgrounds
- 13 -
: Safety
- 14 -
: Facility, Assembly, Access and Integration
- 15 -
: Collaboration Issues and Project Management
- 16 -
: Cost and Schedule