June 10-17, 2001 Gaeta, Italy



Hotel Summit, Gaeta


Sunday, June 10th - Sunday, June 17th


Participants should register to the Workshop by April 30, 2001. Submit online the Registration Form or send it by mail to gianpaolo.carlino@na.infn.it .
Travel information will be requested to registered participants in due time by e-mail.

Registration Fees

Participants and Accompaning Persons: 200.000 Italian Lire.
Registration Fee will be payed upon arrival at Workshop Desk.
Registration Fee covers:
  • Shuttle transfer from Roma Fiumicino Airport to Hotel Summit and viceversa (foreseen for the 10th and the 17th of june only);
  • Coffee Breaks;
  • Social Dinner;
  • Conference Kit;
  • One-day excursion.


Participants will be accomodated in the Summit or Il Ninfeo Hotel. The two Hotels are at walking distance (200 meters) on the beach. 60 rooms in the Summit Hotel and 30 rooms in Il Ninfeo are reserved for the Workshop until April 30, 2001.
If participants will exceed this number an accomodation in nearby Hotels will be found.
All reservations must be done to the Summit Hotel using the Accomodation Form as soon as possible and not later than April 30, 2001.
The Hotel cost is 240.000 Lire/day in single room and 190.000 Lire/day per person in double room. It includes breakfast, a buffet lunch and dinner (beverages are included). All meals (except breakfasts) will be served in the Summit Hotel.
Participants are asked to pay a deposit corresponding to the first day rate in order to secure the reservation which will be on a first-in first-served basis.

Hotel Single Room Double Room Tel. Fax
Summit 240.000 190.000 +39.0771.741741 +39.0771.741741
Il Ninfeo 240.000 190.000 +39.0771.742291/2/3 +39.0771.740736

Cancellation policy for accomodation

Refunds will be made if a written notification is received as follows:
  • Until 21/5/2001: Full refund less 100.000 lire for handling fee;
  • No refund will be given thereafter.


The weather in Gaeta in June is usually warm with temperatures ranging from 24C - 28C during the day, dropping to 20C - 24C at night. Ideal for sunbathing.

How to get there

Gaeta is located half way between Rome and Naples at roughly 100 Km from the two cities.

  • By Plane: Roma Fiumicino or Napoli Capodichino Airports.
    Transportation from (to) Roma Fiumicino to (from) Summit Hotel in Gaeta will be organized for June 10 (arrival) and June 17 (departure).
    For those arriving in other days follow the "By Train" instruction.

  • By Train: the main railway station close to the Summit Hotel is Formia (10 Km). Trains connecting Rome and Napoli which stop in Formia run every 2 hours. See train timetable.
    In Formia you can take either a taxi (quite expensive!) or a public bus Co.Tra.L. to Gaeta (see timetable), get off in Piazza della Liberta' and take the local bus Cervone Linea B (see timetable ) up to Via Flacca bus-stop at walking distance from Summit Hotel.

  • By Car: If travelling on the A1 highway (for those coming from Northen Italy) exit at Cassino and follow the indications for Formia, Gaeta. If coming from Rome take the state road (S.S.) Pontina and follow the indications for Latina first and then Gaeta, if coming from Naples take the state road (S.S.) Domiziana and follow the instructions. See Route Map

Local Currency

Local currrency is Italian Lira (Lit). 1 Euro = 1937 Lit.

Page updated : 8-Jan-01
Maintained by:  G.Carlino