4th ATLAS Muon Workshop
Princess Hotel, Eilat, Israel
November 14 - 21, 1999

A c c o m m o d a t i o n   F o r m

Please type or write in CAPITAL LETTERS and send by airmail, e-mail or fax to:  

Dan Knassim Ltd . Tel:     972-3-6133340 (ext 213)
POB 1931, Ramat-Gan 52118, Israel Fax:    972-3-6133341
E-mail: congress@ inter.net.il

Surname _______________________ First name_____________________
Title:     ( ) Mr.     ( ) Ms.    ( ) Mrs.     ( ) Dr.     ( ) Prof.
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________
City _______________State _______Code __________Country_______________
Telephone ______________Fax _______________E-mail______________________
( ) Please reserve my hotel accommodation in Tel Aviv (prices are on a Bed and Breakfast basis):  

Single Room Per person in Double Room
Overnight 14-15 Nov. ( ) US$ 90 ( ) US$ 58

 Double room - sharing with __________________________________
( ) Please reserve my hotel accommodation at the conference venue in Eilat (prices are for 6 nights, breakfasts and dinners (suppers))

Single Room Per person in Double Room
Princess 15-21 Nov. ( ) US$ 840 ( ) US$ 534

 Double room - sharing with __________________________________
( ) Please reserve my hotel accommodation in Jerusalem (prices are on a bed and breakfast basis) at:

Single Room Per person in Double Room
Overnight 21-22 Nov. ( ) US$ 68 ( ) US$ 40

 Double room - sharing with __________________________________
Please indicate the name of the person you are sharing with, otherwise you will be booked into a single room. This form must be accompanied by US$ 125 DEPOSIT per person along with the REGISTRATION FORM. Accommodation Forms that do not include payment will not be accepted.

( ) Enclosed is a cheque of US$ _______________ (or equivalent) payable to: Dan Knassim Ltd..
( ) Enclosed is a copy of my bank transfer of US$ ___________________ or equivalent, payable to:
        Dan Knassim Ltd., Account No. 106-265055, The First International Bank of Israel,
        Bank Code 031, Branch No. 051, Herzlyia, Israel
        Please ensure that your name appears on the transfer.
( ) Please charge the amount of $ __________to my credit card.:
         ( ) American Express    ( ) Visa    ( ) Diners Club    ( ) Mastercard
Credit Card number _____________________________ Expiry date  _________
Registered Name of Card Holder ______________________________________________
Passport No. of Card Holder __________________________________________________
Authorized address of Card Holder ____________________________________________

Cancellation Policy (for accommodation): Refunds will be made if a written notification is received as follows:
        - Until, 15/10/1999: Full refund less US $50 for handling fee.
        - Until , 01/11/1999: Full refund less one-night accommodation.
        - No refund will be given thereafter.

Signature _____________________________ Date________________