Experiment Description
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Detection principle
Experiment Description
Operating principles of the ICARUS LAr TPC:
ionizing events taking place in a volume of LAr (where a uniform electric field is applied) produce electron-ion pairs
  These charges drift along the field lines. The motion of the much faster lectrons induces a current on the anode

If the anode is one (or more) wire plane(s) we get an imaging device

Electrons induce a current on the wires near which they are drifting
When moving away a current of opposite sign is recorded
The hit wires give the x-y coordinates
tdrift*vdrift gives the z coordinate
about 12000 electron-ions pairs per mm of mip track are produced. About 40% recombine in our nominal drift field.
Since the mobility of electrons is much higher then that ions, only electrons contribute to observed signal.
Electrons can drift over macroscopic distances if liquid Argon very pure (e.g. meter drift requires purity of < 1 in 10^10 atoms)
Multiple non-destructing readout wire plans can be assembled for multi-views